Isabella is incredibly well versed in all matters marketing. Especially in the kind of marketing that leads to long lasting success and a life lived well. The principles she teaches require some effort, but open up to an exciting process and pay off beautifully! There is nothing better than finally running a business that truly aligns with my personality. This was so worth it! I am so grateful for Isabella’s combination of expertise, straightforwardness and kindness, it was a pleasure working with her. And one more thing I would like to mention: I love that Isabella’s advice never comes from a glance at a couple of blog posts or from overhearing some new crazy marketing techniques. Her advice always comes from real experience or profound research and of course is delivered with utmost integrity. To me a total gem in todays fake-prone world. Thank you!

Personal Presence in business is a complex mix of values, experiences and personal traits and many more elements. It was Isabella’s organised as well as caring approach to track progression that inspired me to take action, create my presence and feel comfortable about it. I didn’t feel overwhelmed by the process, instead I was able to enjoy how far we had already come and see the results in my career.
Henrike Neuenfeldt