Is it ethical to continue marketing during a global crisis?
Over the past days I have been observing a rising number of conversations amongst small businesses whether or not it is ok to continue to do marketing and sell services and products in light of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. There are those who consider promotional activities (morally) inappropriate at the moment, while others wonder […]

Master Your Marketing-Mindset In 4 Simple Steps
If your intention, your purpose for being in business is good, then you have no reason not to market yourself. If you are not happy with your personal marketing style and marketing in general, it’s time to get your marketing-mindset into gear. What we believe in our mind enables us to act, to create or […]

Why Your Bio Matters More Than You Think: The Story Of You In Your Business
As a business owner, a solopreneur or a creative you are the face of your business. In today’s fast-paced economy, people want to find out about you quickly. Are you aware and in control of what they will find about you online? People search for you online and quickly rate your skills based on your […]

How The Principle Of Authenticity Serves in Business
Authenticity became quite a buzz word recently, also related to marketing, selling and business in general. It is a general principle. Its meaning is about how well we manage our inner world within the struggles we experience in the outer world while trying to stay true to what matters to us. I firmly believe that […]

Is Authenticity A Trend?
The other day I heard someone say that authenticity would be a huge trend these days. And if you google it you will find some evidence. It is used in the context of fashion, architecture, furniture, food (Belgian chocolate!) branding and advertising and as a trend to watch in 2015. For someone like me who […]

Today let’s talk visibility, a much-used term in the online business marketing world at the moment. I prefer to talk about presence, but visibility seems the current word. How do you feel about being visible and presenting yourself? Are you scared by the idea of being more visible in your business? Do you feel insecure […]

Are you trapped in comparisonitis?
Some insights to think outside the box. Every single soul on the planet is genetically exceptional. No one else on the planet has the same DNA as you. We are familiar with this biological concept, and we have already read these facts in school. However, now I have a question for you. Why do we […]

How to validate new ideas in your business
You know that little voice in our heads that tries to bring us down when we are about to create something new? Have you been there too? You are in a creative flow mapping out ideas and plans for your business. You get excited what you will do next, feeling the thrill to serve your […]

Essentials for personal branding online
Essentials for personal branding online You are about to build a virtual business, and you know having the perfect website is key for your business to become a success.You will work on whatever is necessary to have a professional website, and it contains all the features and marketing tools the market requires. You have defined […]