You know that little voice in our heads that tries to bring us down when we are about to create something new? Have you been there too? You are in a creative flow mapping out ideas and plans for your business. You get excited what you will do next, feeling the thrill to serve your customers in a new way. You start doing some research on your ideas, and you come to see, it is already created, “someone thought of my idea first” says your mind. Doubt starts creeping in and you get worked up about it, thinking everything is already developed – by others. „What do I have to offer, who am I to…“, you know how these sentences continue in your head.
To sum it up: It’s a not so pleasant feeling and making decisions becomes even harder, and you feel less motivated to stay on track.
Lately, I have come across quite a few people in my consulting that are having doubts and are questioning themselves. They challenge their ideas about products and marketing and the process of creating them, believing there’s no place for their offers in the market because something similar is already there.
I can tell you, I am familiar with this ambivalent emotional state! When I have a new idea, I am on fire, keen to bring it to life and market it. Then doing some research I might find out similar things are already out there. Bum! The excitement is gone, questioning whether it’s worth pursuing the idea or not. I am sure most of us business owners have experienced this. So, how to get along with this ambivalent situation?
Well, because it happened to me more than once and because I am a mission-driven person I had to figure out how to get clear about it. I created my version of a reality check to see if it meets certain requirements. These should fit, no matter if it’s a new product or course I have in mind or a marketing approach or a new tool I want to put in place. Here’s the process and the criteria I follow to check my ideas against doability in my business:
1. Will the idea work?
Sure, that’s the most important question to answer! What I mean by this is, will it work in terms of offering a solution for your target audience? Or will it serve you in growing your business, enhancing your marketing or creating new offerings? Of course, this depends on some further research, development and the exact purpose of your idea. My general approach is always solution oriented and also keeping an eye on the long term effects for your business in what you do.
2. Does it hone your message and target your market?
It always comes down to those two business elements: your core message and your target market. When you are clear on these things, it’s easier to make clear and convincing decisions on everything that’s in the pipeline for you.
For example, my core message is that an authentic personality is your best marketing in the world. My target audience is purpose driven personalities that stand or want to stand in the limelight, but feel uncomfortable about it. They seek to make an impact in this world with what they do.
You see, what you do matters, but why you do it and who you do it for matters even more. That’s supposed to be the general set-up behind every purpose-driven business and its offers.
3. Does it bond with your audience?
The answers to this question affect all your business communication intents. Focus on who you’re having a conversation with. Keep it in mind when you are writing blog posts, talking with prospective clients or posting on social media. Pause and reflect, what is the actual intent of your communication you are going to put out? I often see people getting so involved in their marketing. They try to do everything as professional as possible while neglecting how to connect best with their audience.
It’s always better to keep things simple, instead of overdoing and the risk of not being well received in your market. Be aware who you’re speaking to. Know their worries, needs and desires and express yourself in your communication. Connect and let the conversation flow, no matter what the issue you are working on is.
4. Does it connect with your mission and authenticity?
If you know me for a little while, you will know, that I am all about authenticity, integrity and genuine and honest value. I believe authenticity can’t be faked. People will smell it for miles around if you try. So always check your new idea against your (business) values and the intentions of your business mission.
Also, you are not in business to reinvent the wheel. You are in business to serve with your particular talents those people that need what you have to offer. So don’t get insecure, because someone else thought of your idea as well. Luckily, there’s enough space for all of us and you will deliver it based on your values and skills and that’s different than any other business.
That’s basically my way to approve if the many fancy ideas in my head will get implemented or not.
No warranty here. You know, the exception proves the rule!
Now I am curious is there anything you would add or do entirely different? Do you have some kind of self-approval for your business ideas? I would love to hear from you in the comments!